
Bespoke Photography Backdrops created for photographers and business owners by Carlé & Moss

Stunning backdrops for photographers that are just that little bit different are hard to come by. Driven by this and because of needing bespoke backdrops for my own Clients, I have created the first collection of photographers backdrops for product and lifestyle use.

The first Carlé & Moss collection of photography backdrops come in either A1 or A2 size and are printed on semi matt lustre photographic paper. Perfect for product shots and for transporting to and from on-location shoots.

I just roll mine up and have taken them with me for shoots on-location at restaurants and hotels for food photography and beverage photography.

Environmentally Friendly

I often get asked why my backdrops are printed on a photographic paper rather than a vinyl or coated paper as are so many others. And the answer is simple; its more environmentally friendly.

The professional printers I work with no longer use the silver halide photographic paper that was plastic coated paper. The paper they use and print on is FSC certified which means its sustainably sourced. And all of our professional printer’s offcuts are recycled by their contractors who in turn have a zero land waste policy. And as for the large inkjet cartridges used to print these stunning backdrops? They are returned to the manufactures recycling agent and recycled to be used again.

What this does mean is that they need to be handled appropriately as you would with all paper products and goods.

How to Order

All of the backdrops are printed to order and come in either A1 at £45 or A2 at £39  size + P&P. They are sent out to you in a strong cardboard tube to keep them pristine whilst in transit.

Head on over to our ONLINE STORE. Select the backdrops you would like and add them to your cart. Then just follow the check out procedure. Delivery takes up to 10 days from order.

Please remember to treat your backdrops with the care you would any other paper product as damage will occur if not treated properly. Please see above which explains why these are printed on photographic paper rather than the plastic coated silver halide paper or vinyl.

If you would like any of these printed at a much larger scale and in vinyl for larger Studio work please contact us and we can arrange this too.

You can click on any of the images to take you to the online store.

Scroll down to the end to see some of the backdrops already in action!

The Creative Concepts

Behind each backdrop is creative thinking and so I’ve added some concept notes on each of the photography backdrops to explain the creative thinking behind them. Be warned… these mini bios are likely to spark creativity!

Launching the Carlé & Moss Bespoke Backdrop Collection

Sun Bleached Deck

Nothing says summer like bleached wooden decking!

Wooden surfaces that have survived another harsh UK winter and now blink in the late spring sunshine as they dry out in readiness for the hot salty air of the summer at the seaside.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Peeling Perfect

When things have seen better days they have a certain nostalgic charm to them. Peeling paint tells of times gone by.

The brush strokes of past owners long gone, time worn, ready to be loved and refurbished once again.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Potting Shed Peel

Years ago when my little sister and her Husband bought their first house they had a run down potting shed at the end of their garden.

It must have been 70+ years old and had definitely seen better days. But the seed had been planted and a potting shed was added to my list of dreams!

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Brushed Boardwalk

This brushed wood reminds me of the boardwalks of the old seaside piers found along the coastlines of the UK.

Ice creams, sun hats made from oversized cotton handkerchiefs, hoping you don’t drop anything between the cracks into the tides below, the slip slap slop of sun lotion, and of course fish and chips at the end of a windswept day on the sea wall.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Bootroom Exterior

On the side of a very old English Manor house this boot room houses welly boots, riding boots, worn waxed jackets and threadbare tweed caps.

A sanctuary at the end of a long day outside in the fresh air.

Photography Backdrops

Limewashed Cottage

Modern country living stonework. Bringing the old and worn bang up to date with a little bit of nostalgia thrown in for good measure

. You can imagine the line dried crisp cotton sheets gently fluttering in the warm summer breeze on a washing line or the pretty flower filled stone path leading to the front door.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Bath House Blues

An old wash house, a little draughty with a worn entrance door and tiled floor.

The smell of soap, fresh towels, and the sounds of chatter filling the air.

Photography backdrops

Kitchen Garden

Giant terracotta pots ravaged with age and patinas from natures forces.

Decade after decade they rest in the soil, providing a safe harbour for the herbs of the kitchen garden.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Flagstone Moss

How many hundreds of feet have trodden on these antique quarry tile flagstones?

Delicate fronds of moss have taken hold over many years of exposure to the elements. Starting to create their own foot print on the stone.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Folly Forge

I grew up next door to an old forge. The workings long gone except for key pieces left as pieces of interest in what is now the garden.

I was always fascinated by the way natures elements changes the properties of the metals and created a patina that changed as the years passed.

Photography backdrops

Forge Block

The clink and the clunk of a blacksmith working at his or her anvil would have been the everyday sounds at the forge.

As time takes it toll these pieces of every day working equipment change over time and become unique works of art in their own right.

Every small indent a piece of evidence of creativity.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Antique City

Cities can so often be thought of as new and dynamic and modern. Ever moving with the times.

But look a little closer, especially in the UK and you’ll find the patina of old mixed with the new.

A nod to our history and the past of those that have been before us.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Hammered Hues

Beaten metal, rusted over time. Coffee coloured hues against the muted nickel colours of old metal.

The ancient weight of old garden tools long since discarded and left to decay. Hidden away under years of undergrowth.

Little treasures to be found.
Photography backdrops

Rusted Renaissance

The flaking coating of iron oxide is the technical term for this beautiful change to this piece of iron work.

The roughness and the unique patterns each drop of moisture has created leave their mark. Creating a time worn antique form.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire


An overseas voyage? How many oceans has this crossed? And what brings it to its final resting place here in the Cotswolds?

The many hands that have handled it and the individual stories each of those people have to tell.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Forgotten Artistry

An old treasure chest imported over a hundred years ago. Painted and repainted many times over.

What stories does it hide, what adventures has it travelled, and where did it start its life?

I adore the old and gentle shabbiness of this chest.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Sun Bleached City

Summer in the city means deserted streets, quieter subways, the smell of suntan lotion, packed parks and construction.

Whilst the city workers are at play the construction workers move in to make the most of the quiet time and fair weather.

The sun-bleached rusted metal of construction, worn and battered but still strong.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Lime Bleached City

The same feel as Sun Bleached City but with a spring fresh lime tone. The sun-bleached rusted metal of construction, worn and battered but still strong.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Potager Perfection

A potager full of vegetables and beds bursting with vibrant jewels of flowers for cutting.

Hidden in a small nook is this dilapidated bolt hole. Inside; a small three-legged stool and a rough-hewn table.

A gardener’s shelter for those much-needed warm cups of hot chocolate on a winter’s day.

Photography backdrops

Garden Verdigris

Homemade bread cut into thick slices and served with local cheese, chutneys and apples fresh from the orchards washed down with a big mug of tea.

The perfect lunch for the hungry gardener. Taking a break from a morning’s work in the shade created by the old potting shed in a well-loved deck chair.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Midnight Sessions

This stunning metal work reminded me of winter skies. Of starry nights and snow.

The clouds hiding some of the stars as they try and twinkle through. Pretty star trails in the heavens above.

Found in a cottage garden in the Cotswolds.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Rockstar Sidebar

There’s something rather Rockstar about this backdrop! The bumper of an old 1950’s open top Cadillac.

Can you imagine the passengers its carried to music events and awards nights in the Californian evening sun.

Found forgotten about in a tumbledown garage.

Photography backdrops

Antique Copper Blue

Electrons turn copper blue. Who knew!

This stunning piece of weather worn blue hued copper looks just like an aerial shot of an ocean. The deep hues complimented by lighter tones and patterns.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Darlington Blue

This stunning backdrop is named after one of my team! It’s her favourite backdrop and can be used for so many things.

This gentle textured dark blue found inside a Victorian villa in the Cotswolds is a favourite to photograph jewellery on.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Ballroom Decay

The underside of an old ballroom floor. When the wooden floorboards have been lifted you can see the life and joy of dancing and parties imprinted onto the subfloor beneath.

Found in a Victorian house in the Cotswolds.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Industrial Scatter

Every so often you see an everyday object that looks like a work of art.

This paint splattered piece of scaffolding tower looks as if an artist has scattered paint across it. Creating a unique modern piece of art.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Antique Reservoir

The basin of an old and broken reservoir. Once the source of water for a community over a hundred years ago, now long forgotten and fallen into decay.
Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Smoked Out

Fire although always devastating can just occasionally leave works of art and smoky ghosts in its havoc-wreaking wake.

Finding the beauty in everything and everywhere. A dark and gnarly piece of wood on a hillside ravaged by fire.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Gravity Fields

An extraordinary patina on old weather metal that looks as if it’s from a far-off planet of old.

Beautiful swathes of pattern created by the weather over decades of time lost in a cottage garden where wild flowers have taken over.

Photography backdrops

Vintage Pillar Box

Red pillar boxes have been a staple of British life since 1874.

The thrill of posting a card or a letter and knowing that the person who receives it will smile when its opened.

It’s long associated with Christmas time and the chilly British snow filled winters complete with an iconic robin perched on the top.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Country Rebel

A little more modern country than the washed vintage style of boarding.

Deep dark splashes of scuffing across its boards create a warmer textured backdrop.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Chateau Summer

A fading summer at a fading chateau. A nod to exquisite French style.

Chatelaines of years gone by choosing their interior décor to suit the fashions of the time and the parties thrown to showcase their lifestyles. A nod to exquisite French style.


Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Fairford Pink

A bespoke piece of artwork using door numbers on a pink wooden cottage door and created for a very special lady to mark the date of the 22nd August. I’m delighted to share this with you.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Fairford Rose

A pretty Cotswold Cottage door style background named in memory of a very special lady called Rose.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Moonlite Nostalgia

Where there’s moonlight there’s magic. Dark starry lit skies guiding you home.

Photography backdrops

Future Nostalgia

A space age feel to a weathered corrugated metal piece.

Nostalgia for the future of old barn doors, stables, and pony club camp..

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Distressed Dutch Barn

Dutch Barn doors that look cute in the British countryside.

A little weather worn as the British weather takes it’s toll. Keeping everything dry and safe inside.

Photography backdrops

Folly Farm

British barns are often made of this corrugated material which takes on the patina of age as time passes.

With wild flower meadows surrounding them and the sounds of animals inside who make these structures their homes.

Commercial Business and Lifestyle Photographer Gloucestershire

Cool Grey Reformation

Grey is a colour that can be used to showcase many different products and foods.

This stunning backdrop which is new for 2022 is from a time worn leather table top. Marks of over 100 years adorn this aged patina; the history behind each mark tells a story of times past.

Photography Backdrop

1823 Antique Reform

The well worn leather of an antique writing desk. Scuffed, scored, and dented with the quills and pens of men and women long gone.

There’s something very tactile about worn leather desk tops. Perfect for books and jewellery to be showcased against.

Photography Backdrop

New for 2023: Old Dairy Path

The old path to the dairy, worn down and cracked by the daily walk of thousands of farm animals and humans over the last hundred years. Small plants have grown in the cracks, chips of paint from the barn doors are left adrift on the floor. And yet this ramshackle feel is comforting. It feels like coming home.

Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Derelict Cottage Floorboards – Horizontal

There are two versions of these fabulous floorboards in a derelict cottage on the edge of the Cotswolds. Horizontal and Vertical (scroll down for Vertical).

Untouched for many, many years, showing the scuffs of shoes of its occupants nearly 70 years ago. A nostalgic trip down memory lane.

A1 Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Derelict Cottage Floorboards – Vertical

There are two versions of these fabulous floorboards in a derelict cottage on the edge of the Cotswolds. Vertical and Horizontal (scroll back up for Horizontal).

Untouched for many, many years, showing the scuffs of shoes of its occupants nearly 70 years ago. A nostalgic trip down memory lane.

A1 Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Barn Door

This one kind of does what it says on the tin! The door to a small barn used for storing feed and tack.

A1 Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Fern Wall

An old crumbling wall covered in ferns. A light blur on this one to ensure that the plants don’t take over from the products being photographed on this one.

A1 Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Winter Ivy Wall – Landscape

That cold icy winter chill; you can feel it seeping out of this backdrop. Perfect for those Christmas vibes.

Scroll down for the Portrait version.

A1 Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Winter Ivy Wall – Portrait

That cold icy winter chill; you can feel it seeping out of this backdrop. Perfect for those Christmas vibes.

Scroll back up for the Landscape version.

Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Summer Ivy Wall – Landscape

The same wall covered in ivy photographed in the summer time. You can feel the warmth of summer emitting its hope in this backdrop. Perfect for those floral and gardening product shots.

Scroll down for the Portrait version.

Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Summer Ivy Wall – Portrait

The same wall covered in ivy photographed in the summer time. You can feel the warmth of summer emitting its hope in this backdrop. Perfect for those floral and gardening product shots.

Scroll back up for the Landscape version.

Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Spring Bright

Seeds are scattered, blown by the springtime breezes, landing indiscriminately on this bluey grey mud splattered tin roof.

Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Spring Chaos

Seeds are scattered chaotically, blown in from goodness knows where on the springtime winds. Landing where they please on this bluey grey mud splattered tin roof.

Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Boarded Up Grey

Old houses boarded up. What lies behind these sheets of decaying wood?

Photography Backdrops

New for 2023: Boarded Up

Old houses boarded up. What lies behind these sheets of decaying wood? A life unseen in decades…

Photography Backdrops

How to Order

All of the backdrops are printed to order and come in either A1 at £45 or A2 at £39  size. They are sent out to you in a strong cardboard tube to keep them pristine whilst in transit.

To order head just on over to sister company’s ONLINE STORE. Select the backdrops you would like and add them to your cart. Then just follow the check out procedure. Delivery takes up to 10 days from order.

Please remember to treat your backdrops with the care you would any other paper product as damage will occur if not treated properly. Please see above which explains why these are printed on photographic paper rather than the plastic coated silver halide paper or vinyl.

We are currently looking at much larger backdrops for Studio work which will need to be made in vinyl. Please get in touch if you would like one of these at a far larger size for portrait or larger Studio work.

Some of our backdrops in action…

The Fairford Pink backdrop used at a wedding by Nikki Kirk Photography.

Photography backdrop



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